
Mount Dora

Built by Waters

4729 Emerald Palms Court - Winter Haven, FL 33884

Your Dream, Our Team

We want to help you build your dream home, from providing feedback and consultation during the design process to maintaining constant communication throughout all stages of construction. We are truly here for you. Whether you are building a new home or business, or remodeling or adding on, Built By Waters, Inc. is the first call you should make. 

Built by Waters, Inc. guides each client through the design phase and provide feedback and consultation throughout the entire construction process. It’s in the small details like ceiling insets, niches, and moldings where our company shines. We want the whole project to be a unique reflection of your style and taste.


Winter Haven

4729 Emerald Palms Court - Winter Haven, FL 33884

Central Florida Cities - CentralFloridaCitiesLogoOfficia-color1.png
Florida State Parks - FL-DEP-STATE-PARKS-TAG.png
Florida Rural Legal Services - Floirda-rural-Legal_lakeland-logo.png
Avon Park Fire Department - AVon-Park-Fire-Department-logo-w.png
Highlands County Sheriff - highlands-county-sheriff-paul-blackman-logo-c-w1.png
Emanuel United Church of Christ - emanuel-church-of-christ.png
Better Before Lunch - Betterbeforelunchpodcast41.jpg
Heartland Library Cooperative - heartland-library-cooperative-2.png
Bonnet Springs Park - Bonnett-Springs-Lakeland-logo.png
Film Fray - FilmFray_Color_logo.png
Generation Improv - generation-Improv logo.jpg